Thursday, March 5, 2020

Ready to unfurl

Thursday in the First Week of Lent

The Lord, the God of gods, has spoken;
he has called the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.
Psalm 50:1

I walk gingerly across the lawn trying to step in the less muddy places, and because my eyes are focused on the ground, I see it: a purple crocus about to make its appearance. I am grateful to notice it at this moment, its saturated color just becoming evident. I love these bright heralds of spring. And next to it, another tightly wound sprout is prepped, ready to unfurl into new life.

What else in God’s creation, I wonder, is ready to unfold? What gifts are being called forth in me and in the community around me? What other new life has been readied unnoticed in the darkness?

I take the time to delight in my discovery, and mark the location, because I plan to be attentive in the days to come. I do not want to miss participating in this ordinary and extraordinary offering of life.