Saturday, March 28, 2020


Saturday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Whoever is wise will ponder these things,
and consider well the mercies of the Lord.
Psalm 107:43

The cyclist who passes us twice on our walk, each time with a friendly greeting. The driver who stops at an intersection to allow us to cross safely. The expert who kindly and deftly coaches novices during online office hours. The colleague who affirms my efforts.

Each kindness a small thing, which could be easily overlooked. Yet when I focus on them, ponder them, their impact expands within me and I am more able to notice and soak up the goodness they offer. And then to offer graciousness in return.

We need to keep adding good into the world. And we need to keep noticing the goodness of others. God’s mercy abounds and we can be conduits of it, receiving it with open hearts wherever we encounter it, dwelling in it, allowing it to wash through and refresh us, and then sending it forth, adding a drop of our own giftedness to the life-giving stream.

Image by Peter H from Pixabay