Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent

O Lord, your word is everlasting;
it stands firm in the heavens.
Psalm 119:89

“Did you know that they have more than 50,000 rare and out-of-print books?” My friend and I sit among some of these volumes as we enjoy morning coffee in this bookstore coffee shop.

“Just think,” she continues, “of all the people who have read these books, and all the lives which have passed through these pages.” The thought catches my breath. Generations of personal stories connected to the stories within the pages themselves. And we sit here in the midst, her story and mine already connected through years of friendship, and now the possibility to be bound to infinite other narratives. If I pick up a book and thumb through the pages, how many lives will I touch?

And God’s word connecting all. The sacred utterance that spoke creation into being. The Word that holds me fast. The one who calls to me. How will I live the story of God’s love today?