Monday, November 30, 2020


Monday of the First Week of Advent

I lie down and go to sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
Psalm 3:5

Like every other pattern in my life, my sleep is disrupted. I find myself awake at odd hours, and I have learned to give in to it. If I am able to drift off again, I am grateful. If not, I engage my wakefulness with contentment. It is what it is.

The rhythms of my work, my play, my prayer are undergoing an unraveling. The familiar has become un, the tried and true have been left by the side of the road some miles behind me.

And here I am, as a rainy afternoon slips into an Advent evening, knowing I am ready. Ready to ease into this new season, or rather, ready to allow this season to envelope me. It is God who sustains me. God who is my unraveling, and God who tenderly holds each strand of my life weaving a new pattern that has yet to be revealed.