Friday, March 27, 2020

Art walk

Friday in the Fourth Week of Lent

The children of your servants shall continue,
and their offspring shall stand fast in your sight.
Psalm 102:28

Our walking route through the neighborhood has become familiar. We wave and smile at neighbors we do not know and share a quick check-in with those we do, all from a safe distance. We know we are all in this together.

And today again we come across the sidewalk art, colorfully chalked and reminding me of a stained-glass window. It is somewhat faded by the recent rain, but its testimony to the creative capacity of someone remains vibrant.

I imagine the someone is a child, although I do not know this to be true. But the sidewalk chalk reminds me of my childhood and of my daughters’, of summer days and laughter and bright spirits and art that is meant to be shared with the community. And it reminds me such things not only endure but continue. God’s promise reaches across generations into the now and extends to an infinite number of tomorrows. Our Creator calls forth creativity, which, of course, is life itself.