Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Prayer for When Having a Day

Oh God,
Today has been a challenge.
Technology has gotten the best of me. Bureaucracy has tried my patience.
My attempts to right things seem powerless and, in the midst of my frustrations, I am led astray.
I reach out with bluntness rather than kindness,
harshness rather than compassion.

Call me back to the place of sanctuary within your loving goodness.
Remind me that yours is the power and the glory,
and that I am invited into your vineyard each and everyday.
To walk with you, work with you, wonder with you.
Release me from the snares of the enemy
and fill my soul with living water
until the troubles of this day fade 
and in the evening light I am left a child embraced in your loving arms. 

Anne E. Kitch
September 19, 2024