Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Luminous comfort

Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent

Let your loving-kindness be my comfort,
as you have promised to your servant.
Psalm 119:76

As I pull the bags out of the back of my car, a flash of glittery fabric grabs my attention. The dragonfly finger puppet lies on top of the pile of items designated for the thrift store. I hesitate. This creature has had quite a journey the past week or so. As I continue my cleaning-out-the-attic project, the puppet has changed places several times, moving back and forth from the keep pile to the thrift shop bag.

I do not remember any special occasion that brought this creature into our house. It has no particular memory or sentiment attached to it. I have simply loved it because I find it beautiful.

Sometimes the whimsical is a comfort to me. Finding loveliness in the small can lighten a load, bring a smile to my face, remind me of God’s goodness. And certainly now is a time when occasions for delight need to be recognized and cherished.

I hand the bags to the thrift shop attendant, but not before I have rescued the luminous creature and placed it in my pocket.