Saturday, March 9, 2019

Joyful practice

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Be glad, you righteous, and rejoice in the Lord;
shout for joy, all who are true of heart.
Psalm 32:12

In the pre-dawn darkness I prepare for a journey, anticipating how I will appreciate the solemn quiet of this morning’s drive. It will take me some time to arrive at my destination, and I am grateful for the space for contemplation that the trip will afford me. I have much to think about.

I am traveling to the funeral of a dear friend and colleague. He was one of the most gracious human beings I think I will ever encounter. Wise. Gentle. Curious. Always open to learning something new. He taught me a lot about Jesus. And he taught me a lot about joy.

I learned that joy is something that I can cultivate; it can be a practice, a spiritual discipline. Already a mantra begins in my heart, to accompany me this day. Practice joyfulness. Live kindly. Delight in those you encounter. Celebrate God’s creation.

The sky brightens. It is time to go.