Thursday, March 14, 2019

Holy exchange

Thursday in the First Week of Lent

Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving
and make good your vows to the Most High.
Psalm 50:14

I lay out the day before in my journal, beginning my morning conversation with Jesus with, “Thank you.” As I begin my litany of gratitude, I smile remembering small kindnesses of yesterday. The woman at my favorite lunch place who never hands me a menu because she knows my order. A colleague who brought laughter to my day. The driver who made room for me to merge.

I am reminded again how easy it is to overlook these acts of thoughtfulness and consideration. And how powerful they are when I focus on them. Being attentive to thankfulness changes my perspective, soothes my soul, directs my heart to God.

In a sacred miracle of exchange, I offer my gratitude to the Holy One, and in return I am gifted with peace.