Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Gracious delay

Tuesday in the Third Week of Lent

They railed against God and said,
“Can God set a table in the wilderness?”
Psalm 78:19

As the plane sits on the runway, I watch the window of opportunity slowly close. We have landed, but are waiting for a gate to be available before we can disembark. My flight was delayed and the possibility that I will miss my connecting flight becomes more and more of a reality as we continue to wait. I am actually relieved the moment it becomes clear that making my connection is no longer possible. At least there will be no last minute dash through the airport with my heart pounding.

Missing my connecting flight is the last in a long list of complications to my day. And I already know that I have missed the last flight for the night and cannot leave until morning. The temptation to allow frustration and anxiety to fuel my next steps tugs at my soul and equilibrium. I take several deep breaths and refocus my attention on what is right with the world.

As I deplane, I begin to problem solve. And then I am met with abundance. Person after person greets me with kindness. The gate agent. The airline representative at customer service. A helpful fellow traveler. The shuttle driver. The desk attendant at the hotel. I am offered smiles and food vouchers and extra toiletries.

In what could have been a wilderness of complication and harsh words and disappointment, I have found hospitality. I am aware once again of God’s generosity, and how important it is to treat one another with compassion. I offer a prayer of thanks to my creator and a gentle greeting to the next person I meet.