Tuesday, March 20, 2018

First things first

Tuesday in the Fifth Week of Lent

The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;
it is he who shall keep you safe.
Psalm 121:7

I unwrap the piece of chocolate and am greeted by a saying, “Save the best for first.” I smile as I wonder exactly how I might follow this playful advice. What would it look like to put enjoyment first?

Here in the midst of the Lenten wilderness, where I find myself slogging along (and indulging in chocolate because the way is hard), can I allow myself a taste of the goodness and joy and freedom that lie ahead? Even as I struggle still to root out the evil that troubles me, to banish the enemy from my path, to shake free of the demons of doubt that plague me, I am surrounded by the goodness of God.

And more than that, I am not in this alone. I have so many friends and companions on this journey with me, praying with me, walking alongside me, sharing my burdens. And offering me gifts of energy, creativity, and laughter along the way

And more than that—Jesus is here. Always. I have never been in this on my own. First and foremost comes the best—my savior, my rock, my true joy.