Friday, March 14, 2014

A Swing and a Miss

Friday in the First Week of Lent

Harden not your hearts, 
as your forebears did in the wilderness…  Psalm 95

There is so much to do and I am on a roll. Work. Dentist appointments for both girls. Grocery shopping. Music lesson. Critical email. Dinner prep. Important phone call.  Dinner. Bills. Taxes. Troubleshooting computer connection to printer for daughter. I am on a roll.

Except I am missing something. My daughter has been talking to me.

She has been telling me about the wonderful afternoon that she and her sister spent together. I am barely listening. My teen-age daughter. She is spontaneously telling me an animated story. About her life. About her relationship with her sister. About how they have been enjoying one another. And I have been barely listening.

I am so focused on being efficient, getting it all done, forging ahead, pushing on without stopping because….

 It is hard to keep one’s heart open in the wilderness. But it is so very important. 

copyright © Anne E. Kitch 2014