Thursday, March 7, 2024


Thursday in the Third Week of Lent
Truth shall spring up from the earth,
and righteousness shall look down from heaven.
Psalm 85:11

I look twice to be sure because I do not want it to be true. A large branch of the majestic maple tree in our backyard is touching the ground. Not quite broken off, nevertheless damaged enough that it will have to be removed. Cut off. Along its length, the smaller branches are already hosting their signature red buds.
I whisper an apology to this tree, words of sympathy even.  With its deep roots and strong trunk, it will survive the loss. But I mourn such a sacrifice in our world where every green plant with its precious contribution to the life of our earth is needed.
Yet even now persistent life is at work, as seeds already in the earth are being broken open so that tendrils can push through soil to reach the sun.
My Lenten journey includes unexpected loss and sacrifice, and mourning walks with me at times. And also, God watches over me, offering openings for me to reach for the light.