Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Manna in the desert

Tuesday in the Third Week of Lent

So mortals ate the bread of angels;
God provided for them food enough.
Psalm 78:25

I open my computer to work and am met with the low battery warning. I forgot to plug it in the day before. And now I am at home and my power cord is at work. Poor planning.

This can happen with my soul as well. I address one task after another, meet the needs of work and community, tend to family and friends, and forget to rest. Or, in truth, I resist my need to rest.

The satisfaction I get from working long and hard without stopping to recharge is a mirage in the wilderness. It is the enemy who whispers in my ear that I can do it all. By myself. It is God who provides manna in the desert.

I close my computer before it dies. The work it leads to can wait. I will take this moment to respond to the invitation to open myself to God’s care, to find solace and sustenance in the presence of the holy, and to remember where I find rest for my soul.