Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Lent

I call with my whole heart;
answer me, O Lord, that I may keep your statutes.
Psalm 119:145

I planted the seeds two weeks ago, and now the grass in my small indoor Lenten garden flourishes. First, I had to wait for the seeds to sprout and I wondered: was the soil good, did I give them the right amount of water, had I buried them to the correct depth? Then, I began to see spikes of green pushing up, reaching for the light. They seemed sparse, and I wondered if I had scatted enough seeds.

Now it is clear that they are fulfilling their promise.

And what about me? Am I ready to flourish? I have been buried deep in the soil and messiness of Lent. I have pushed my way through at times, reaching for the light. I have felt living water, holy water, crack the shell around my soul and bid me to break free.

For me to fulfill God’s promise, I must accept God’s promise.

There remain curves ahead as I set my face toward the completion of my wilderness trek. Passion and suffering, celebration and sorrow, uproar and silence await me. And I would choose no other way.