Saturday, March 19, 2022


Saturday in the Second Week of Lent

You speak in my heart and say, “Seek my face.”
Your face, Lord, will I seek.
Psalm 27:11

The week began with a blizzard and ends with weather warm enough for short-sleeves. Crocuses which had barely sent tentative tips above the earth seem to have burst into full bloom overnight. I almost feel like I have missed something. Was I not paying enough attention to the coming of Spring? Was I distracted by stress or busyness? Is it too late?

And have I lost track of Lent?

No. Regardless of the season, the remedy for my soul’s restlessness is the same. Seek God. In tentative green edging trees and flowerbeds. In bright colors amidst grey-brown earth. In warm air greeting me as I step outside. In the spaces where I feel wanting.