Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Haphazard unison

Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent
Let your loving-kindness be my comfort,
as you have promised your servant.
Psalm 119:76

One-by-one we pop onto the zoom screen, greeting one another. Our conversation begins with checking in, then moves to who is in need of healing—people we know, people we have heard about, the world itself. Soon we transition into prayer as one of us leads a litany that has become familiar.
For over a year now we have been meeting every Wednesday morning to offer healing prayer. We are a small enough group that we stay unmuted, allowing our voices to blend haphazardly. I especially love the Lord’s prayer in this context, our voices not quite in unison, reaching across the miles that separate us. It makes me think of people all over the world praying this prayer in different places and languages. I imagine this prayer as continuous; at any given moment of any given day, someone somewhere is reaching out to God with these familiar words. 
Pray without ceasing, the Apostle Paul counsels us. Sometimes, this means being attentive and prayerful about God’s presence in all things as I go about my day. And on Wednesday mornings, I am reminded it also means my voice being one of many in a stream of prayer that has no beginning or end.