Monday, March 28, 2022


Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent

God speaks, “I will not break my covenant,
nor change what has gone out of my lips.”
Psalm 89:34

The emergence of crocuses, petite daffodils, and the brave leaves of tulips leads to the migration of warm coats and boots to the back of the hall closet. Bright packets of seeds catch my eye in the grocery store and I wonder if I might get an early start on my annuals this year.  Of course, I know better. March’s irascible temperament dropped the temperature to a cold 18˚ last night.

Spring is indeed here, both by calendar and creation. Although the daylight lengthens by regular increments, the rest of the season arrives in fits and starts. Always. The path of new life fights its way through a boulder field of obstacles. And like the tulip bulbs I once planted upside down, it nevertheless finds its way to burst forth into the open.

God’s love is tenacious. God’s promises sure.