Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Wednesday in the First Week of Lent

We can never ransom ourselves,
or deliver to God the price of our life.
Psalm 49:6

The laundry, which is dry, is still in the dryer. Which would not be a problem except for the load in the washer that has been waiting all day. The dishwasher is clean, which is good. But until it is unloaded the dirty dishes will remain in the sink. The kitchen floor is in dire need of sweeping and I’m pretty sure tomorrow is trash pickup meaning the overflowing trash cans need to be emptied and a litany of tasks to be accomplished is running through my head and just when I decide to sit still for a minute and breathe my phone rings.

There are not enough moments or breaths in a day to calm this mess down.

I recognize this hamster wheel for the trap it is: deception. I am foolish if I think I can travel the Lenten desert without God, and I am foolish to believe that God wants me to labor incessantly to prove something. Traps and deception are tools of the enemy.

I cannot save myself. How fortunate that God is gracious, and loving, and merciful. God will ransom my life, and snatch me from the grasp of death.

Image by Vinayak Harshvardhan from Pixabay