Thursday, March 31, 2022


Thursday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Save me, O God,
for the waters has risen up to my neck.
Psalm 69:1

We begin our prayerful walk through the church, following the stations of the cross. As it comes to my turn to read, I am almost unable to continue after reading the title: Jesus falls for the first time.

Jesus falls for the first time. The first. There will be more falls. More instances of failure to carry the burden. More encounters with pain. More weakness. More being overcome by human frailty. This is Jesus. And how am I to cope?

There are days when I find it hard not to be fearful of the road ahead and my failures to come. And then there are the times when it is unclear how I can continue in the aftermath of failures I have already committed. Accepting my human frailty, seeking forgiveness and amendment, remain a struggle--even with as many opportunities as I have had to practice.

There is no hope for me. Except to cry out and place myself within the mercy of the One who has walked the road before me and made it safe.