Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent
Remember, God, how short life is,
how frail you have made all flesh.
Psalm 89:47
How has my Lent gone so far? This is honestly the question I wake with. I wonder. Part of my Lenten practice is these devolutions, taking time each day to mediate on God’s presence and my own sense of journey. Rather than giving up something, I take on this daily discipline of writing, of self-examination, of soul baring.
Even so, I can lose track of the amendment of life this season calls for. As the weather warms and bulbs begin to bloom, I want to shed thoughts of sin and repentance like I shed winter coats.
The forty days calls me back. God knows my resolve can be flimsy and my love of comfort robust. Yet grace and tradition give me more time, wider space, greater leeway. There is room for missteps and time to recover, recommit, rededicate. Time yet to remain open to where this path takes me.