Thursday, March 18, 2021


Thursday in the Fourth Week of Lent

But it is good for me to be near God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge.
Psalm 73:28

As my yoga practice winds down, I keep adding more layers. Sweater. Scarf. Socks. Blanket. It is not so much that it is cool in the house as that I am creating a cocoon, bundling myself into a place of ease and rest.

As I deepen my meditation, I think this is how God’s refuge might be like: swathed in comfort, shielded from drafts and chills, at ease, safe.

Later, I wrap my evening prayers around me like a blanket, pulling my many blessings close, feeling the words ancient and new wash over me, rinsing away the grime of today’s struggle through the desert.

And as I still myself in this refuge, I know that even before I began my day, I was already enfolded by holy Love.

Image by Arif Wijaksana from Pixabay