Saturday, March 6, 2021

Holy seeking

Saturday in the Second Week of Lent

You speak in my heart and say, “Seek my face.”
Your face, Lord, will I seek.
Psalm 27:11

The sun is slow this morning and so is my body. I am grateful that I don’t have anywhere I need to be right away, even virtually. Spring seems to be sluggish as well, as the past few days I have searched the receding snow for spots of color to no avail.

My Lenten journey also seems to have slowed. After stepping across the threshold into the wilderness with intention and purpose, after the deep dive into a practice of self-examination and repentance, I feel curiously adrift. Or becalmed.

There is something for me here, in this muddle of the middle, as I know God’s love is ever present. Here, no longer at the beginning, the end not yet apparent, the path meanders. 

And I am reminded once again that it is the seeking itself that is sacred, that opens me to possibility, that is the spiritual practice for this moment. Yearning, longing, hungering are not only sufficient, but holy.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay