Monday, December 7, 2020

Web of generosity

 Monday of the Second Week of Advent

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will tell of your marvelous works.
Psalm 9:1

The day has been full. With the scheduled and the unscheduled. And then I wonder, why do I place occurrences into this binary? The words are themselves a trap, limiting the way of life and the way of faith to what can be arranged, planned, programmed, booked, listed. God’s abundance defies lists. It encompasses all and more and the in-between.

It is the fabric of the day for which I am grateful. All the connections, the inter-weavings, the way so many people and places and events are intertwined. In the same day I receive a call from someone needing to know how to access our food pantry and another from someone wanting to donate food. This is more than a simple balanced exchange. It speaks of the movement of the universe, of people connected by an entire web of generosity, of our human need and ability to reach out, across, toward, beyond in order to be community.

We yearn for one another with our whole hearts. God has given us these hearts and this yearning. And the same God fills each day with marvel and has still more to give.

Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay