Thursday, December 3, 2020

Stalwart haven

Thursday of the First Week of Advent

I love you, O Lord my strength
O Lord my stronghold,
my crag, and my haven.
Psalm 18:1

Some days my faith feels fuzzy or ephemeral; I know it is there, but I cannot grab hold of it. It does not seem solid enough to hold me, much less carry me through the challenges awaiting me and everyone else. And that is what makes this time so difficult. All of us are living with the plague. No one is immune from the stress that constantly consumes a certain amount of our physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.

We are in this together. And I realize today that “this” includes our faith. My faith is not a solitary thing; it lives in the context of my community, is fed by the faithfulness of others. My faith exists in response to the faithfulness of the One who is ever-faithful. Who never stops loving me, caring for me, forgiving me, calling me, holding me. My rock, my strength, my crag, my stronghold. My haven.

Today I am grateful that God is not ephemeral or hazy or nebulous. I grateful that God is a rock. Stalwart. A tower of strength. I am grateful that I can depend on this, that I can know that when I am shaky, God is not.

Image by Beverly Lussier from Pixabay