Friday, December 4, 2020

A Better Way

 Friday of the First Week of Advent

I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
my heart teaches me night after night.
Psalm 16:7

Some days seem to provide gift after gift. I hunger for these this season. Even in good times, I can allow the frustrations of any day overshadow God’s obvious presence. This Advent it seems to take more intentional energy to focus on moments of delight. Yet each time I do, I am reminded that acknowledging one small goodness brings other good news to light.

Today’s uplifting encounter arrives via text message. My friend Francie and I check in with each other. How are we. Is everyone in our homes safe. She recommends a book she thinks I will like, and then the excellent news of a project she has completed. And then she shares a gift she has discovered in this COVID-season. “God can use anything to try to teach us a better way,” she tells me. I savor this invitation and it becomes my mantra for the day.

This evening, my spouse and I will light the Advent wreath on our table, and that one flame will remind us of God’s promise. And before I sleep, I will recount the blessings of this day. And with Francie’s gift, I will also look for the insight, counsel, and wisdom with which the Holy One paves our way.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay