Thursday, December 10, 2020

Give away

 Thursday of the Second Week of Advent

The wicked borrow and do not repay,
but the righteous are generous in giving.
Psalm 37:22

The Advent road is bumpy, marred by jagged patches of deception I honestly think this is true every year as we count the “shopping days” left until Christmas, but this year it seems the not-really-at-all-subtle advertising about what we can purchase to make us happy and make all the pain go away is relentless.

It comes back to scarcity and abundance. When I believe in an economy of scarcity, I become a taker. I know myself. When I feel worried, or fearful, or left on my own, I count how much is available and try my best to hold onto enough of whatever it is so that I won’t come up short.

But God’s economy is one of abundance, where giving away is the key to being full. Give away love, give away joy, give away peace---and what happens? When we are generous, we find ourselves in right relationship with God. And then of course with everyone else.

Image by Zorro4 from Pixabay