Saturday, December 19, 2020

Creative presence

 Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

You trace my journeys and my resting-places
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Psalm 139:2

The day has been accompanied by mandola, piano, and voice as my household prepares for the worship to come. Other hands and voices in other homes are also readying themselves for when we will gather our community in prayer, pageant, and celebration next week for Christmas. The gathering will be different this year, as we will all be in our homes. Nevertheless, we will be present to one another in the sacred space we create together virtually. 

This is one of the gifts that our church community has discovered--while we may not be in the same building, we are in person. We see each other. Talk with each other. Share concerns and gratitudes. Laugh. Listen. Pray. We bring our whole selves. We embody our baptismal faith.

This community is of God’s making, and the Holy One is omnipresent. Our journeys, our resting-places, our rising up and sitting down are all known—traced by a steady hand and accompanied by unrelenting love.

We have placed ourselves in God’s hands, and our community has become the sacrament. 

Image by iwanna from Pixabay