Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Holy heart to heart

Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Lent

I call with my whole heart;
answer me, O Lord, that I may keep your statutes.
Psalm 119:145

A voice has been nudging me all morning, and when I finally create the space to give it my full attention, I find myself transported into a holy dialogue. It’s as if I have stepped through a doorway into another landscape and suddenly I am on sacred ground. Clearly, it’s time for a heart-to-heart with my creator.

My conversation with God is just that—a conversation. It is two way. God calls to me and I strive to hear that call and respond. And I also call out to God. Often, I call out in distress. But I know it is important to also call out in love, in praise, in thanksgiving.

Call and response. As musical expression. As public discussion. As religious ritual. As a means of finding one’s way across the wilderness.

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