Tuesday, December 13, 2022

In the midst

Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

We have waited in silence on your loving-kindness, O God,
in the midst of your temple.
Psalm 48:8


Tomorrow is another day. This is what I remind myself as I look at the chaos on my desk and on my computer desktop. No telling what things look like inside my brain and soul. But I’m pretty sure “addled” covers it.
I am grateful for the number of times I have been invited into prayer today. In zoom, via text, through messenger. Grateful for each deep breath. Grateful for the person who promised to “have words with the angel responsible for your well being.” Grateful for all those who know it is the third week of Advent. And what that means.

And what that means is that we are in the midst. Of a familiar road with familiar ruts. Of a prayer-full path. Of people who wait expectantly together. Of sacred spaces discovered like rest stops along the way, taking form on digital screens and messy desktops and in addled minds and discomforted souls.
The loving-kindness of God is coming soon to a manger near you.