Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Holy light

Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent
May God be merciful to us and bless us,
show us the light of the holy countenance and come to us.
Psalm 67:1

In the early morning, while it is still dark, I begin a long drive to the airport, my passengers on the first leg of an extensive trip to visit family. We head due east, and soon are rewarded with the splendor of a winter sunrise.
We do not actually see the sun, just the evidence of its rising. A swath of pinkish-blue seen amidst the bare trees. The roadway gradually becoming more visible. The sky incrementally brightening until we realize it is daylight.
With well wishes, I drop off the travelers and turn west to head home; they will continue east until they arrive on a different day.
The Advent path too reveals itself with gradual illumination. And as I will end this day headed toward the darkest night, there are others in the world who celebrate the birth of the savior with increasing daylight. Either way, the path stretches into the infinite. And still, the moment of revelation will arrive.
Come, Jesus.