Monday, December 12, 2022

Dusk gift

Monday of the Third Week of Advent

If we have forgotten the Name of our God,
or stretched out our hands to some strange god,
Will not God find it out?
For God knows the secrets of the heart.
Psalm 44:20-21

The day is waning, the light fading moment by moment into the early winter dusk. And  as I take note, I also become aware of the deep quiet enveloping me. I linger. And choose to breathe slowly and take it in fully, so I can be nourished by peace.

Every moment is full of God’s marvelous presence. Who am I to be surrounded by such a gift?

The waiting. The journey. The holy way. The unexpected time. The promise of mercy. All gifts of Advent. And I have yet to arrive at the manger.