Thursday, December 22, 2022

Amidst the storm

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent

God heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their  wounds.
Psalm 147:3

It is cold and rainy where I am, the freezing temperatures not expected until tomorrow. Yet I know so many are already in the midst of fierce storms. Even with warning, for many there is no way to prepare. Many will be caught. Many will reach out. Many are ravaged by storms not of weather but of war, violence, depravation.

Jesus was born into a world of tyrannical rulers, invaded lands, hunger and want. And Jesus reached out with compassion, helped the wounded, spoke words of love.

I text a friend to check in. She replies that she is awaiting a moment of calm amidst the storms.

The manger is that moment. Come, Jesus.