Friday, December 6, 2019

Playful formation

Friday of the First Week of Advent

They shall come and make to a people yet unborn
the saving deeds that he has done.
Psalm 22:30

I walk into the church and smile as I look at our giving tree. It is momentarily adorned with felt Advent wreaths industriously placed there by a toddler. These wreathes currently reside on the shelf at the back of the church, ready for our youngest to interact with. They are an invitation and a teaching tool. I love that this particular young child of God enjoyed playing with them, and how that playfulness made my heart glad.

The spiritual formation of our youngest is about the spiritual formation of all of us. I am on my journey with Christ because a multitude of people shared their faith with me while I was growing up. Sunday school teachers, my parents, camp counselors, priests, youth leaders, nuns and monks, pageant directors, grandparents. As an adult, my spirit has been strengthened by the discernment of the holy offered by so many who are so much younger than I am.

On this feast day of St. Nicholas, as I call to mind all those who nurtured my faith along the way, I also offer a prayer of thanks for all the young ones in our midst. They continue to form me, delight me, call me up short, teach me more about God and love and joy.