Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bright for one another

Thursday of the First Week of Advent

You, O Lord, are my lamp;
my God, you make my darkness bright.
Psalm 18:29

The night is cold, and we make our way carefully across the parking lot avoiding treacherous patches of ice, heading for the door that beckons us with light shining from within. There will be welcome there, warmth and company, food and prayer, conversation and camaraderie.

The moon casts its reflected light onto the trees, and the snow outlining their bare limbs captures the light and reflects it in turn, illuminating our way with frozen beauty.

Another brightness lights our way as well. God’s light is not only reflected in the world around us, but in one another. We too contain light and have the capacity to make the way bright for one another.

The door opens, we enter the sanctuary, each a flame of God’s promise.