Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Well met

Wednesday in the Third Week of Lent

Your word is a lantern to my feet,
   and a light upon my path.  
Psalm 119:105

The three of us pull our chairs together under an overhang, our conversation continuing after everyone else has left the evening gathering. Just beyond us a gentle rain refreshes the landscape as the night deepens. We are new to one another as colleagues, yet have discovered an ease in sharing. Our discussion roams over much territory—where we grew up, difficulties and doubts we have encountered, extraordinary people we have met along the way. 

We laugh and for a moment I sense our repartee is taking place inside a larger dialogue, wrapped in the sacred discourse of God speaking creation into being. I am reminded once again that God’s word comes in many forms.

The wilderness journey includes the possibility of new companions. Others are traveling this was too. Sometimes our paths meet and we bow our heads in acknowledgment and go our separate ways. Sometime we see each other only from a distance. Sometimes we fall into step with one another and continue on together for a time, exchanging insights having noticed different things along the way. 

Finally it is time. Sleep beckons. As we wend our way through the darkness I am grateful for the trust offered and received that lights the way.