Saturday, December 23, 2023

Daily Visitation

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

Indeed, there is not a word on my lips,
but you, O God, know it altogether.
Psalm 138:3

At dinner, we decide to light the fourth advent candle on our wreath, even though we are two days early. When I was a child, we used to light the next candle at dinner on Saturday, anticipating the dawning of the new week to come. I’m not sure why. I do remember as the youngest child eagerly waiting for my turn to light the candles. This night, my spouse lights the candle as I say the prayer.

“Purify our conscience, Almighty God,” I pray.

“By you daily visitation,” he responds.

I need this prayer before my Advent journey collides into Christmas Eve. I do feel ready for the rapid succession of events about to unfold. And I also want to remember, and hold close, the daily visitation of the God who loves me. Who knows even the words on my lips before I speak.

God broke into the world as an infant long ago. God continues to break into weary hearts. And the Morning Star continues to rise and the darkness will not overcome it.