Friday, December 15, 2023


 Saturday of the Second Week of Advent

Send out your light and your truth,
that they may lead me,
and bring me to your holy hill
and to your dwelling.
Psalm 43:3

The setting of the December sun quickens our steps as we want to complete our hike before the daylight gives out. And then. A large fallen trunk across the path impedes our progress. It is amazing to me that trees in the forest just fall over. Majestic towers giving themselves over as water and loosened soil deny their roots anything to grasp.

I know that this obstacle in our path is not intentional (although my spouse points out, rightly, that if this were a novel or a game we would now be in the midst of an ambush.)

The obstacles on my way to the manger are not put there by some divine presence to stall me. As if the birth of God into the world was in any way attuned to my daily meanderings. The assault of commercialism, the tasks to be accomplished, the fear of disappointing others. These are impediments to which I subject myself.

After a few moments of discerning the best way over the fallen trunk, we are on our way. Heading into the coming dusk. Heading home. Heading to the manger.