Thursday, December 13, 2018

Never lost

Thursday of the Second Week of Advent

If they stumble, they shall not fall headlong,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
Psalm 37:25

I am halfway home from the gym when I realize I don’t have my phone. This is so unlike me. I pull over and do a quick search, including checking my gym bag in the back of the car. No phone. So back to the gym I go, just keeping alarm at bay. I park and as I head to the door, I realize that my phone has been in my pocket the whole time.

I recall how earlier in the week, also unlike me, I left my purse at a restaurant, to be grateful hours later when I retraced my steps and they had it for me. Each time I experienced the sharp fear of loss and vulnerability, followed by the relief of knowing that everything was going to be alright.

As I head back home, I think of how I too am never really lost. Even as I experience times of doubt, loneliness, and defeat, I am always held within the bounds of God’s boundless love. I may stumble, I may even feel like I am falling headlong, but I am never beyond the reach of saving grace.