Friday, December 7, 2018

Recalling kindness

Friday of the First Week of Advent

But those who run after other gods
shall have their troubles multiplied.
Psalm 16:3

I don’t even notice. It is a stranger who catches my attention as I am about to step into my car. I have dropped my purse on the sidewalk. I pick it up, saying something along the lines of, “Oh my goodness,” and wave a thank you to the couple who called my awareness to my mishap.

I almost don’t take the time to be grateful. It happens so fast, and I am on my way again in no time with no negative consequences. It is only later that I remember the couple and think on their kindness and attentiveness.

How much do I miss in any given day? Of kindness, of goodness, of assistance? How often do I focus on getting things done, running after the god of accomplishment and forgetting that love is not made of achievement?

I remember the couple again. I recall them, try to really see them, wonder where else they have offered their goodness this day. I send up not only a prayer of gratitude, but also one that God will expand my heart…again.