Monday, February 25, 2013

Wilderness Yearning: Monday in the Second Week of Lent

Restore us, O God of hosts;
     show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved. 
    Psalm 80:3

“See what crossed my path on my walk,” my friend texts, “forced me to slow down!”

I am delighted and mesmerized by the accompanying photo of a gopher tortoise. If only something that interesting had crossed my path recently.

“If you look closely,” my friend adds, “there is a collar of dirt behind her head. She had just come out of the burrow.”

The tortoise had emerged to bask in the sunshine. What a good idea. Perhaps if I come out of my burrow of expected tasks and outcomes, I just might see something as exquisite as this across my path. Perhaps my breath will be taken away. Perhaps I will be startled into reflection…and restoration.

After all, there is nothing like a tortoise crossing your path to make you slow down and pay attention. And then again, a text from a friend can be just as effective. The invitation to bask in the light of God’s countenance is offered everyday.  Opportunities for restoration come in all sorts of unexpected shapes and sizes.

I wonder what else will cross my path today.


copyright © Anne E. Kitch 2012