Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Treasuring tenacity

Wednesday of the First Week of Advent

I treasure your promise in my heart,
that I may not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11

As evening comes I await that moment  when I can set down my work for the day and just be. I have spent the day going to and fro without much in-between time. I am still unused to this busyness, this return to more movement that has come as we learn to navigate the territory of pandemic. Which on some days is not navigable at all.

Yet, even on the days I laugh out loud at the doctor’s office when asked if I am experiencing any feelings of sadness or despair, I know that I am not completely lost; that all is not lost. God’s promise of love and redemption remains firm, withstands all assaults of numbing and indifference.

And in the space of inaction I wend my way inward, gently probing my heart to assure myself that the treasure remains. That despite my falling short, my missing the mark, my sinfulness, tenacious hope holds fast, refusing to die.