Thursday, December 23, 2021

Finding the way

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
there is not limit to God’s wisdom.
Psalm 147:5

The final twists and turns of the Advent journey are to be expected. I think of the story of Mary and Joseph turning down this road and that, looking for a place they did not know they would find.

The manger evokes so many images. Unexpected. Unpleasant. Squalid. Shameful. Humble. Down-to-earth. Ordinary. Everyday. Holy. So perhaps we should not think of it as unfortunate, but as meet and right. God was born into the space where there was room. Wisdom will find a way.

And perhaps this means I am where I need to be now. A bit uncertain, not sure of the exact way forward or where I will find the newborn Christ, nevertheless taking the risk to be faithful. Come, Jesus.

Image by Alex Hu from Pixabay