Tuesday, December 14, 2021

In the midst

Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

We have waited in silence on your loving-kindness, O God,
in the midst of your temple.
Psalm 48:8

As I wait in line to check-in, I notice the man across the hallway, chatting easily with the woman near him. At first, I think he is a hospital employee; then I notice that he is wearing a volunteer badge. As I move forward to his area, he greets me warmly. And after a harried day, I am comforted by his ease. I thank him for what he is doing and he smiles broadly.

The room is full of volunteers and hospital personnel, giving shot after shot. Booster for me, first or second vaccinations for children ushered in by grateful parents.

There is no holiday rush here, no crankiness. People wait patiently, the workers are kind and pleasant, the space calm and hope-full.

In a time when I can feel so lost along the way, this moment brings healing balm to my soul, as well as protection to my body. And I am reminded that God’s light and loving-kindness can be found in the midst.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay