Friday, February 23, 2018

Call and Response

Friday in the First Week of Lent

Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad;
let those who love your salvation continually say,
“Great is the Lord!”
Psalm 40:17

“I hope you have fun today,” I call out to my daughter as she heads out the doorway to school. She has a science Olympiad today.

“Thank you,” comes her reply, “I think I will.”

It is almost a song between us, a call and response. This morning it rings with a joyful tone, as we both lean into the day with a sense of pleasant expectation. Not all mornings are like this—either of us can be grumpy, or tired, or running late. Some mornings I miss greeting her altogether; but on those days, I send her a text, a love note that miraculously connects us even as we are separated by distance and culture and age.

Call and response. Seeking and connection. This is also my relationship with the Holy One. A song, a dance, a conversation, a love note. And as Lent calls me to deepen my union with Christ through prayer, and fasting, and soul searching, and repentance, I am mindful this morning that this path is one of joy as well as discipline.

Image credit: racorn / 123RF Stock Photo