Friday, February 24, 2023


Friday after Ash Wednesday

Be strong and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

The nap sneaks up on me, the result of a comfy chair and late afternoon sun. I wake disoriented, the audio book I was listening to still playing. One part of my brain seems still immersed in the story. Another part begins to wonder how much time has passed and how I will ever find the point in the book when I fell asleep. 

I come fully awake and pause the audio. The sudden quiet seems to make the house feel emptier and I realize how much I was enjoying the resonant tones of the narrator’s voice, its beauty soothing me even while I was no longer conscious of the words or meaning.

God’s voice must be like this. Always speaking to us, narrating to us the way forward, even when we cannot hear it or understand it. Tones of loving-kindness and holy ferocity and blessed assurance accompanying us, fortifying us with strength and courage and all things necessary for salvation.