Thursday, February 23, 2023

Out of focus

Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for the holy one.
Psalm 37:7

As I step out the door, I glance toward where the tulip and crocus bulbs live in my yard; they had poked green tips above the ground a few days ago. To my surprise I see the purple of a crocus bloom and stop to take a picture of this sign of spring and hope.

For some reason, I cannot get the camera to focus on the bloom and am left with a blurry shot. Ironically, out of focus is a bit how I feel on this day after the solemnity and holy encounters of Ash Wednesday.

At the beginning of this dusty path of Lent, I am reminded that it takes time for sacred things and everyday things to come into focus. It takes stillness and patience to encounter the holy.