Friday, December 3, 2021

Disrupted time

Friday in the First Week of Advent

My footsteps hold fast to the ways of your law;
in your paths my feet shall not stumble.
Psalm 17:5

As I complete my transaction at my local pharmacy, the person at the counter offers me a free wall calendar. I hesitate for a moment, and then the man waiting behind me says, “How else will you know what day it is?”

How else indeed. But will this calendar be enough? I would have to dependably cross off each day to keep track of where I am. Because, still, after almost two years, I find my sense of time disrupted.

Advent too is a time of disruption. The scripture readings for this season offer visions of doom and prophecies of hope. Themes of devastation and restoration ride in tandem, and before we get to the joy of the manger, we must join John the Baptist in making straight the way.

Holy way, holy disruption, holy time. I do not need to keep track of time or of God. It is the One we await who keeps hold of me.