Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Patient determination

Tuesday in the First Week of Lent

We have waited in silence
on your loving-kindness, O God.
Psalm 48:8

I carefully add water to the saucers which hold the small plants, marveling at how their leaves stretch toward the sun. In late December, the owner of a small garden had gifted them to me because she did not want to throw them away--the last four of the African violets that had not sold. And so I adopted the sad plants that needed some water and sunlight and tender care.

They remind me of my grandmother, who was some kind of an African violet whisperer. She always had some blooming on her windowsill no matter the time of year. Purple, and pink and a rosy in-between color.

There are no blooms yet, but my adoptees seem determined to thrive. I feel like we are in this together, the plants and I. The five of us silently, patiently, waiting for what we know will be a long time, while leaning into the surety that our lives are held in the loving care of God.