Thursday, December 21, 2017

Living hope

Thursday of the Third Week of Advent
Feast of St. Thomas

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not be in want.
Psalm 23:1

As I open my prayer book to the text for the day, the familiar words of a much-loved psalm greet me. I am caught by the opening verse and linger there, letting the graciousness it holds wash over me.

God wants goodness for creation, and all of us within it. And I am given the gift of participating in this goodness, not only by enjoying it, but also by sharing it with others. I must not let the voice of the enemy convince me that small kindnesses, modest offerings of relief, simple words of comfort, humble gratitude, gestures of courtesy, and expressions of creativity are ineffectual and worth little. Instead, I must muster these resources so readily at my disposal and stride forward into a living hope.

One step at a time, my savior reminds me in my morning prayer time. Not only because one step is the way to begin many steps and something larger, but because one step can be the journey in and of itself.

Image Copyright : joannawnuk